Lifelong education promotes the development of printing and packaging industry

Economic construction must go on the track of relying on scientific and technological advancement and improving the quality of laborers. A company, a unit, or a person must achieve success and development of the business by relying mainly on two things: First, master resources (except land, labor, and funds). And so on, also includes information, knowledge, skills and management); Second, the ability to allocate resources. In modern society, whether it is grasping resources or improving resource allocation, it must rely on learning, education, and training. To constantly improve the quality and competitiveness of industries, to achieve the sound operation of printing companies requires a heavy cultural heritage and strong intellectual support; the need to serve as a vital force for the development of enterprises - in-service professional and technical personnel play a key role. How to use “new theories, new knowledge, new technologies, and new methods” as the main content to carry out continuing education for employees, especially printing company’s professional and technical personnel, and to promote their knowledge update and improvement, is related to the success or failure of printing companies. This is because:

Intense market competition is the internal driving force for the implementation of the continuing education strategy and the realization of the sustainable and stable operation of printing enterprises

   On the whole, as many high-level technicians in domestic printing companies are also very scarce, resulting in relatively low technological content and added value, the company's core competitiveness is not strong, and economic efficiency is not high. According to the survey, companies generally lack the relevant laws and regulations, human resources management, corporate strategic decisions, modern enterprise systems and computers, foreign languages, and other knowledge; the most indispensable are professional managers and export-oriented management personnel who are familiar with international rules. problem. Therefore, continuing education and lifelong education are increasingly becoming the fundamental driving force for economic growth, corporate profits, social progress, and career development. It is necessary to adopt “system constraints” to encourage talents to learn advanced professional technologies and become expert technicians.

The market allocation of human resources determines the talented people themselves are willing to continue their education and their internal needs are increasingly strong. The trend of shifting talents from planned to market-led trends has triggered the talent itself is full of the inner motivation and vitality of continuing education, with self-improvement. Strong desire and strong demand for continuing education. The basic formation of the market economy system has created a good social atmosphere for the marketization and industrialization of continuing education. The strong growth of the Chinese economy has not only reinforced the material basis for the development of continuing education, but also forced people to take more time, energy and financial resources to accept continuing education and meet new challenges and opportunities. At present, there is a clear trend toward the younger professionals in the printing industry, with ages between 20 and 40 years old accounting for 52%. The quality of personnel is relatively high, and college education accounts for 83%. This has created favorable conditions for continuing education.

Introducing the concept of lifelong education is an urgent requirement in the era of knowledge economy

People are the main body of society and the actual bearer of social modernization. Comprehensively improving people's quality is the guarantee for the success of social modernization. The world today has entered unprecedented fierce economic competition. In the final analysis, it is still the competition of scientific and technological personnel. The era of human production mainly dependent on population and physical strength is over. Modern production and management require that workers are not based primarily on physical strength and economy, but on the basis of intelligence and knowledge. At the beginning of the 20th century, American white-collar workers accounted for only 17.6% of the skilled labor force. By 1956, there was a major turning point. White-collar workers began to surpass the “blue collar” workers. By the 1980s, this ratio had reached 5:3.3. In the “knowledge economy” era, the economy based on new knowledge and new technologies has already accounted for over 50% of the GDP of some countries. The source of wealth is gradually shifting from tangible assets such as land, capital, and labor to knowledge as intangible assets. Knowledge is becoming the most important factor in promoting the development of social productivity. The development of new industries with computers as the core has brought about a qualitative leap in the technology and management of the printing industry. These brand-new technical fields require the laborer to acquire new knowledge. Therefore, without a knowledge-based and multi-disciplinary professional staff, it is impossible to seize the opportunities for the transfer of industries in the world, and the advantages of domestic printing industry are difficult to highlight.

Faced with the “knowledge explosion”, there is an urgent need for people to constantly learn and master new knowledge. This is the essence of lifelong education to promote the sound management of printing companies.

   Some people in the world speculate that scientific knowledge will take 50 years to double in the 19th century, 10 years in the middle of the 20th century, 5 years to the 1970s, and 3 years to the 80s. The period of outdated expertise has been shortened. For example, 30% of industrial technology knowledge in the 1960s was obsolete and over 50% in electronic technology. 90% of modern physics knowledge is the result after 1950. The compound that humans knew was 1 million in 1950 and now amounts to more than 4 million species. And the productivity of current knowledge has become a key factor in decisive productivity, competitiveness, and economic success. With the development and application of emerging technologies, knowledge plays an increasingly important role in production. According to statistics, in the initial stage of mechanization, the ratio of manual labor to intellectual labor consumption is 9 to 1. In the case of moderate mechanization, the ratio of the two is 6 to 4; in the case of full automation, the ratio of both is 1 Than 9. Not only has the proportion of industrial knowledgeization increased, but the degree of knowledge management has also been correspondingly improved, and there has been a trend of higher educational level and mental labor ratio. Foreign scholars call the future society "high-level knowledge society," "intellectual society," and "information society." In such a society, workers must not only have certain production experience and skills, but also have corresponding scientific knowledge and capabilities. It can be said with certainty that if the advantages of manufacturing are only reflected in labor costs, this advantage will not last long. Because labor-intensive industries are easy to enter, lower-cost manufacturing areas will continue to emerge and international trading conditions will continue to change. Domestic printing companies must advance technology, products and industrial upgrading and build new core competitive advantages on the basis of maintaining comparative advantage. A high-quality talent team must be established. Therefore, we should profoundly understand the new meaning of “live to old, learn old”. In promoting the steady operation of printing companies, through continuous deepening of continuing education, we will create a high-quality technical team and a strong professional and technical personnel team, and enrich talents, capital, and technology to create new competitive advantages.

To sum up, to carry out continuing education work and promote the sound operation of printing enterprises, we should focus on the establishment of an effective policy-driven mechanism, carry out high-level continuing education projects and the modernization of teaching methods, and do the following work well.

To carry out continuous education research and legislative work in the printing industry. The weak links in continuing education of current professional and technical personnel: First, insufficient efforts have affected the renewal of knowledge structure of professional and technical personnel and the improvement of overall quality, especially in the training of high-level talents, high-tech talents, and export-oriented and compound talents. On the other hand, it is still not well adapted to the needs. The time for professional and technical personnel of some departments and units to participate in continuing education, tuition fees, and wages and benefits during the period of study are difficult to guarantee. The right of professional technicians to receive continuing education is not fully guaranteed. Second, the system is imperfect, the infrastructure for continuing education and the construction of the teaching staff are lagging behind. The funding cannot be guaranteed, and a good social environment and operational mechanism for vigorously developing continuing education have not yet been formed. Fundamentally, the obstacle to the development of continuing education is the lack of laws and regulations. Although laws such as the Education Law, the Science and Technology Progress Law, etc. provide fundamental basis and principles for the development of continuing education, continuing education is a field that involves a very wide area, has a close relationship with scientific and technological progress and economic development, and has not been specialized from the country to the locality. Legislation. Therefore, the printing industry associations should make every effort to find out the essential characteristics of continuing education, further determine the focus of continuing education, clarify the relationship between continuing education, adult education and modern distance education, and identify the key factors and directions affecting the development of continuing education. It is necessary to take a step forward in the formulation of professional and technical personnel's continuing education of industrial and local regulations, actively formulating or promoting the formulation of policies and regulations related to the characteristics of the printing industry concerning the promotion of continuing education, and further implementing training and learning personnel participating in training. The promotion system linked to the promotion of posts promotes continuing education in accordance with the law and effectively serves the improvement of the cultural and scientific quality of enterprises and other groups. It is necessary to promote the formation of the pattern of government regulation, industry guidance, unit autonomy, and individual consciousness in the formation of continuing education work, so that continuing education work can be based on law, be close to reality, be targeted, and ultimately be market-oriented.

Fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all sectors of society. Various social employers are the mainstay of continuing education. It is necessary to guide enterprises to face society, to meet the needs of the industry and regions, to use enterprise technology centers, postdoctoral workstations, and other effective carriers, to provide continuous education projects with flexible and diverse contents and content in accordance with needs in the aspects of enterprise technology, management, etc.; to assist enterprises in technological transformation and research , Do a good job in the digestion and absorption of technological introduction projects and technological innovation; train the company's senior management personnel and various types of professional and technical personnel, and serve the company's strategic adjustment.

Give play to the role of talents, intellectual advantages and practical bases in colleges and universities. To carry out continuing education, we must make full use of existing educational resources and make full use of institutions of higher learning, research institutes and enterprises' own training institutions, among which institutions of higher learning occupy a more special position. First of all, colleges and universities have gathered a high-level team of teaching and scientific and technological experts. They have a clear and comprehensive understanding of the development trends, status quo, and information of today’s world’s scientific and technological progress, and are more accurate in positioning, thus ensuring that continuing education can be carried out at a high level. Secondly, as the center of teaching and scientific research, colleges and universities need to push their own scientific research achievements to the society and transform them into practical productivity and material results through professional technicians working in the front line of economic construction.

Third, it has the tradition and rich experience in running a continuing education. Since the 1950s, many colleges and universities have served the purpose of providing education and production services and carried out training and improvement of professional and technical personnel, which have unique advantages. Therefore, colleges and universities in the printing industry should first raise awareness further, incorporate continuing education into the school’s career development plan, clarify the guiding ideology and work goals, and give guarantees on the organization and the conditions for running a school. Second, we should carry out continuing education work in accordance with our scientific research strengths, teacher advantages, and teaching conditions. Research universities should focus on the continuing education of university teachers and the production of first-line high-tech application talents so that their knowledge can be updated in a timely manner. Industry-affiliated universities and management cadre colleges should aim at the needs of industry development and development. The quality of employees in the industry, improve the efficiency of labor production services; radio and television university, including schools conducting modern distance education pilots should make full use of the advantages of a wide system coverage, advanced information dissemination methods, and carry out large-scale continuing education projects. While universities and colleges are contributing to the development of the industry and local economic construction and social development, they should further strengthen mutual cooperation, strengthen the overall development of human resources in continuing education, share information, experience and resources, and expand continuing education. The social benefits.

Strengthen the reform of teaching materials. The personnel and education departments should focus on cultivating a large number of talented people, keep up with the development of the times and the needs of the situation, and constantly carry out textbook reforms. To carry out continuing education in colleges and universities and related industries, the existing continuing education teaching materials, curriculum software and teaching resources should be collected and collected to the public to provide services for the society. At the same time, it discovers and seeks out continuing education curriculum projects that can be carried out on a large scale in the society, and builds and perfects the weak links, and gradually forms a complete system of continuing education resources at the three levels of government, industry, enterprises and institutions, and provides for the development of enterprises. Strong intellectual support.

Strengthen the management of continuing education. Continuing education certificate registration system will continue to be implemented, and continuing education credits, promotion of titles, and appointment of “three hooks” will enable professional scientific and technical personnel to firmly establish the concept of “lifelong learning” and mobilize the enthusiasm of corporate and professional scientists and technicians in continuing education. The personnel department of the enterprise must focus on cultivating the educational content, methods, and forms of education of high-level talents, conduct in-depth discussions on the feasibility of transforming educational achievements into practical productivity as soon as possible, and continuously innovate methods of continuing education management in order to build high-level printing and packaging companies.

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