2016 DuPont Innovative Packaging Award Announced Winner List

The 2016 DuPont Innovation Packaging Award recently announced the winners. Through appraisals of nearly 200 entries from 25 countries, the independent packaging expert review committee of the current packaging award finally selected 16 products. In addition to the highest honors for the Diamond Award and the newly established Innovation Leadership Award, there are also five Gold Awards and nine Silver Awards awarded to projects that have achieved “Excellence” in one or two categories.

In the Diamond Awards finalists for six companies, Graham Packaging Packaging USA won the victory with its Thermaset® blow molded PET containers for hot filling pasteurized foods. Thermoset® provides consumers with containers that are crush-resistant, easy-to-grip, safe, and recyclable, allowing brand owners to significantly reduce shipping, crushing, and other manufacturing costs. The Innovation Leadership Award was awarded to the digital point ultraviolet and hot stamping technology used by the US MGI company for the next generation of digital packaging and decoration. This technology has made great progress in terms of customization, humanization, and cost-effectiveness.

Here we introduce the relevant awards in the field of daily chemical.

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