There are special terms involved in typographic design

Introducing the introduction of special terms in the process of typographic design. It is especially important for those who are engaged in publishing work and design work. Let us learn and master these knowledge together.
∷ cover (also called seal, front cover, cover, written)

The cover is printed with the title, author, name of the translator, and the name of the publisher. The cover plays a role in beautifying books and protecting book blocks.

∷ closed (also known as seal two)

It refers to the back page of the cover. The seal is generally blank, but it is often used in journals to print a catalogue, or related pictures.

∷ back cover (also known as seal three)

It refers to the inside page of the back cover. The back cover is generally a blank page, but it is often used in journals to print text or images other than text or other text.

∷ back cover (also known as seal four, bottom seal)

The book is printed at the bottom right of the back cover with a unified book number and pricing, and the journal prints a copyright page on the back cover, or is used to print the text and pictures of the catalogue and other non-text parts.

∷ spine (also known as spine)

The spine is the spine that joins the cover and back cover. Books on the spine are usually printed with titles, volumes (volumes, episodes, volumes), authors, names of translators, and names of publishers for easy search.

∷ Book Crown

The book's crown refers to the part of the book name printed above the cover.

∷ book foot

The footer is the part of the name of the publishing unit printed below the cover.

∷ page (also known as cover or cover)

A title page is a page that follows the front page of a book cover or lining page. The title page, the name of the author or translator, the date of publication and publication, etc. are generally printed on the title page. The title page also plays a decorative role, increasing the beauty of the book.

∷ Inserts

An insert is a single page that is individually printed in a book, printed with a diagram, or a table, where the layout exceeds the scope of the draft. Sometimes also means that the layout does not exceed the size of the opening, the size of the paper is the same as the size of the open, but pages printed in paper or color different from the text are used.

∷ page (also known as the middle page or next page)

A chapter page is a single page with the name of a chapter, series, or chapter printed before each chapter or chapter in the text. The chapter page can only use single code and double code to leave blank. The chapter page is inserted after the double code, which is generally used for the calculation of the secret code or excluding the page number. The chapter page is sometimes printed on colored paper to show the difference.

∷ Directory

The catalog is the record of the titles of books and periodicals and section headings. It serves as a topic index and is convenient for readers to find. The catalogue is generally placed in front of the body of the book (in the periodical, due to the limitations of the printed sheets, the catalogue is often placed on the seal 2, seal 3, or seal 4).

∷ Copyright page

The copyright page refers to the version of the record page. Copyright page, according to the relevant provisions of the book name, author or translator name, publishing house, publisher, printer, version, print times, prints, open, print, word count, publication date, pricing, book number, etc. project. The book copyright page is generally printed at the bottom of the back page of the title page. The copyright page is mainly for readers to understand the publication of books. It is often attached to the front and back of the text of the books.

∷ Index

The index is divided into subject index, content index, noun index, scientific name index, person name index and so on. The index is a textual description of a portion other than the text, which is generally arranged with a smaller font and double columns behind the text. The index is marked with a page number for readers to find. The role of indexing in science and technology books is very important, it can enable readers to quickly find the information needed to find.

∷ layout

Layout refers to the entire format of the body of a book, including the font and size of the text and the title, the size of the layout, the banner, the double column, the number of lines per page, the number of words per line, the line spacing and forms, and the typesetting position of the picture.

∷ heart

Edition mind refers to the text portion of each page, including chapter, section headings, body text, diagrams, tables, formulas, etc.

∷ version

The edition mouth refers to the limit of the circumstance left and right, and in a certain sense refers to the edition heart. Strictly speaking, the layout is based on the area of ​​the layout to calculate the range, and the layout of the layout is to calculate the range around the perimeter.

∷ Super Edition

Overprint port refers to the layout that exceeds the limits of the left and right or upper and lower ports. When a drawing or a table exceeds the edition on the left and right, it is referred to as a hypergraph or a hypergraph.

∷ Straight (vertical) row

It refers to the version where the mouth is on the left, the mouth is on the right, the text is from top to bottom, and the word line is printed from right to left. It is generally used for ancient books.

∷ Horizontal

That is, the mouth is on the right, the mouth is on the left, the text is from left to right, and the lines are printed from top to bottom.

∷ head

The title, also known as "head" and "head flower," is used to indicate the nature of the article or the edition, and is also an ornamental decoration. The titles are usually on the top or left corner of the headline of newspapers, magazines, poetry and prose.


Breaking, also known as hurdles. Most newspapers and magazines are arranged in columns, and this type of chart or table that does not fit in one column extends to another column and the row that occupies multiple columns is called row break.

∷ days head

Tiantou refers to the top margin of each page.


The footing is the empty space at the bottom of each page.

∷ dark page

Also called a secret code refers to pages that do not have page numbers but also occupy page numbers. Generally used for overprinting heart illustrations, insert sheets, blank pages or slip sheets.

∷ page

The meaning of the page is the same as that of Zhang. One page is the two sides (the page is the front and the back of the two pages). It should be noted that the concepts on the other pages and the other face are different.

∷ from other pages

Another page refers to an article starting from a single code (such as a collection of articles). If the first article ends with a single page number and the second article also requires another page, a double-coded blank surface must be left after the last article, ie, a blank code is placed, and each article requires another page. The starting row method is mostly used for single-print printing.


Another aspect is that an article can be ranked from the beginning of single and double codes, but it must be taken from another side and cannot be aligned with the previous article.

∷ Note

A table note refers to a table of notes and descriptions. Generally, they are listed below the table, and some are within the table. The line length of the table note should not exceed the length of the table.

∷ Image Note

Legends are illustrations and explanations of illustrations. Generally ranked below the graph title, a few rows above the graph title. The length of the legend should generally not exceed the length of the map.

∷ Back

The title is the end of one side, and there is no headline following it. Typographical prohibition appears in the specification, and should be avoided when there is an issue. The solution is to add a line to this page, shrink or leave a blank space and move the title to the next page.

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