Child's baby stroller

Helmets are the most important: Choose a suitable helmet for your child, the size should be appropriate. When he puts on, the helmet does not turn to the front or side as the head turns. When choosing, let him try it on. A suitable helmet should only fit one finger between the child's chin and lace.
Age: The age of a child suitable for learning a two-wheeler is 4 to 6 years old. For safety, learn from a two-wheeled vehicle with auxiliary wheels.
Choosing a road: Children under the age of 10 are not yet able to control the car. They are not suitable for riding on the hillside or on a busy road. It must be monitored that he can only play in the park or on the empty field, but also during the day.
Checking the vehicle: Check the handlebars and axles routinely every month to see if the wheels sound normal when the brakes are tightened.
It is every child's wish to be able to ride on the road by himself, but the prerequisite for cycling is to ensure safety.
What do you need to watch out when your child rides a bike?
1. In early childhood, because the cartilage between the two vertebrae of the spine is particularly developed and the physiological curvature is not yet fixed, the bones of young children are relatively soft and elastic, and are easily deformed. Therefore, when riding a Stroller, the height of the seat must be adjusted properly to teach the child a correct posture and avoid deformity of the spine.
2. Cycling often requires the cooperation of the skeleton and muscles of the wrist. However, the carpal bones of infants are composed of soft tissues and are soft and easy to fold. Therefore, wrist injuries should be avoided during the activity.
3, children pelvic immaturity, should pay particular attention to the action of getting on and off. And when picking a rider's field, be careful that the ground is not too hard so that the bones that make up the hip bone are not transposed. In particular, girls should be more protected so as not to affect their development.
Riding a baby carriage is a good way for young children to exercise. Proper and scientific exercise can promote the development of children's bones and muscles. However, because the growth and development of young children are not yet fully completed, parents need to pay special attention not to allow children to be injured in cycling. Finally, before each child's cycling activity, parents should first check whether the baby carriage is damaged and effectively avoid accidents.
(For more information on stroller, please pay attention to China Baby Vehicle Industry Network)

Car Seat for Baby

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