Hot and humid days to guard against formaldehyde sneak attack

“There was no unusual smell in the home during the week.” Since July, the high temperature of 35°C or more in more than ten days, coupled with intermittent showers, has caused many people in Guangzhou to suffer from “damp heat”. A lot of distress. The outdoor hot air is like a steamer. Although the house is cool and cool, it is too hot and humid. It is even more troublesome: when you open the door, you can smell walls, floors, new furniture, etc. The various odors emitted, especially in new homes that have not been renovated for a long time, are more serious.

For the current high temperature and high humidity weather, experts remind that summer is the most "manic" season for formaldehyde volatilization: when the temperature exceeds 28 ° C and the air humidity exceeds 45%, the concentration of volatilized formaldehyde in the furniture sheet will be released. Soaring by more than 100%. Many people are eager to cool, often choose to close the door and open the air conditioner. It is not known that this will affect the effective circulation of indoor air and bury hidden dangers such as formaldehyde pollution that is extremely harmful to health.

This edition of the text / map: reporter Li Zhenlin

High temperature caused excessive formaldehyde in the past few days

Ms. Chen, who lives in Fangcun, was only renovated in April this year. Because she was eager to move to a new home, she made a special air quality test and found that she had no problem. It seems that recently, the 5-year-old child suddenly felt tingling in the eyes and itching in the throat. When I checked the cause, I found that there was more flavor in the house. Very worried about her child's health, she re-doed an air quality test, which made her stupid: formaldehyde exceeded the standard by more than 5 times.

Similar to Miss Chen’s experience, many citizens have recently discovered that there is no irritating smell in the home that is not unusual on weekdays. It turned out to be a hot and humid weather! Not long ago, the Central Meteorological Observatory also issued a warning signal that threatened health. “With the increase of room temperature and indoor relative humidity, the accumulated formaldehyde release rate will also accelerate.” Luo Lenin, secretary-general of Guangzhou Building Decoration Industry Association, told reporters that the concentration of formaldehyde released into indoor air increases every room temperature rise by 1 °C. It will increase by 0.15~0.37 times. In this case, the indoor air that does not exceed the standard will also become excessive.

It is understood that when the indoor temperature rises to 34 ° C, the relative humidity is 50%, the formaldehyde release concentration in the air can exceed the national standard of 5.53 times. In such an environment, people will feel as if they are in a closed room sprayed with acaricide. The eyes will feel stinging and the throat will be itchy. After a long time, there will be symptoms such as hair loss, tearing, and inflammation of the respiratory tract. . “When the room temperature is at 18 ° C and the relative humidity is 30%, the formaldehyde release concentration in the air is only 0.033 mg / m 3 , far below the national standard."

"Scent" smell is especially vigilant

“At the moment, the high temperature weather in Guangzhou, the amount of formaldehyde released is 20% to 30% higher than usual.” Chen Zexiong, a senior engineer at the Guangzhou Environmental Monitoring Center, pointed out that all the articles that use adhesives contain formaldehyde, such as building materials in housing. Plywood, particleboard, laminate flooring, wallpaper, chemical fiber carpets, furniture, paints and coatings in decorative materials.

It is reported that all kinds of formaldehyde remaining in the object have a characteristic of gradually releasing to the surrounding environment, and the period and concentration of volatilization vary according to the air temperature and humidity. Zhao Taiyu, the woodpecker decoration supervisor, said that free formaldehyde can be volatilized within 3 to 8 months, but the formaldehyde contained in the decoration materials is mostly combined formaldehyde, and the longest release time is as high as 8 to 14 years.

Song Guangsheng, director of the Indoor Environment Monitoring Center of the China Interior Decoration Association, said that the use of inferior glue for large core boards or other low-grade artificial boards, the glue will emit formaldehyde after high temperature degradation, and the odor emitted will be more obvious. The benzene-based solution used in fabrics, textiles, etc. usually emits a "fragrance" taste, and at high temperatures, this odor also needs attention.

In addition, some materials in the building will also emit odors under hot and humid conditions in summer, such as ammonia antifreeze added in the building. In summer, the decomposition of ammonia smell may emit odor similar to urine.

Blocking formaldehyde pollution from the source of decoration

In order to avoid indoor formaldehyde pollution in summer, you may wish to take the following methods: window ventilation. Do not rely too much on air conditioning in summer indoor heatstroke, because most household air conditioners can only adjust the room temperature and have no ventilation. In the morning and evening when you are cool, you can open the window to effectively reduce the concentration of indoor pollutants. Especially for families with pregnant women or infants. When you turn on the air conditioner, you can also leave a small slit in the shade.

What if the air pollution is seriously exceeded? According to Lin Guangchao, an indoor air testing engineer from Gaudi, the bamboo charcoal, activated carbon, negative ions and photocatalyst appearing on the market can also effectively control indoor air pollution, but must be used in different situations. For example, bamboo charcoal, activated carbon and other adsorption treatment, low cost, no toxic side effects, but less effective, only suitable for long-term treatment of indoor formaldehyde slightly exceeded.

In contrast, negative ions can rapidly oxidize harmful gases such as benzene and formaldehyde into negative ions, which are combined with air to be reduced to oxygen, water and carbon dioxide. This method can be used on a regular basis. The photocatalyst is newly introduced and applied from abroad, and it has a quick effect on heavy pollution, but its price is also high, and it may produce slight secondary pollution, which will affect the paint surface of wallpaper and wooden furniture.

In this regard, Jiang Botao, director of the Consumer Professional Committee of the Guangdong Decorative Industry Association, tends to solve the problem from the source, that is, choose green environmental protection materials during the decoration, so that even if there is superimposed pollution in the later stage, the indoor air will not seriously exceed the standard and endanger the health. Degree. He believes that summer decoration also has a benefit, which can make formaldehyde and other harmful gases evaporate faster.

Home decoration detoxification

Furniture, flooring:

Adhesive releases formaldehyde

Anti-virus method: try to use indoor decoration and decoration materials with good quality, low formaldehyde content or no formaldehyde; paint and paint on the surface and side of artificial board, and fully cure it to form a stable layer that inhibits formaldehyde emission; When choosing furniture, you should choose a product with less irritating gas, and check whether all kinds of plates used for furniture are sealed.


Volatile compounds are hard to find

Anti-virus method: VOC mainly comes from paints and coatings. Under normal circumstances, 90% of the paint can be volatilized within 10 hours after the application, and the VOC in the solvent only releases 25% of the total amount during the drying process. It is recommended that when purchasing paints and coatings, be sure to carefully check the level of the label, which is the best choice with a lower value.


Fabric accessories must be autoclaved

Anti-virus method: Select the bed to pay attention to whether the mattress has odor, especially pay attention to open the plastic packaging of the mattress, or open the detection port on the side of the mattress, whether there is odor. When purchasing a mattress, you must sign an environmental contract, and note that it must comply with national environmental and health standards, and because the smell and comfort of the mattress need to be tested after arriving home, the right to replace and return the product is retained in the contract.


Process is not refined, residual toxic substances

Anti-virus method: The wallpaper purchased should have no odor, and should not be purchased when the smell is heavy. After you have finished wallpapering, you must open the doors and windows to make the air circulate, so as to dispel the smell of paper and glue. Otherwise, the taste will be absorbed by other decoration materials, so the smell will not be eliminated.



Child health killer

Compared with adults, formaldehyde is especially harmful to children. According to the relevant regulations of national standards, the concentration of formaldehyde in the air should not be higher than 0.08mg/m3. When the concentration of formaldehyde in the air reaches 0.06~0.07mg/m3, the child will have mild asthma; when it reaches 0.1mg/m3, it will have odor and discomfort; when it reaches 0.5mg/m3, it will stimulate the eyes and cause tearing; 0.6mg/m3, can cause throat discomfort or pain. At higher concentrations, it can cause nausea and vomiting, cough and chest tightness, wheezing and even pulmonary edema; when it reaches 30mg/m3, it will immediately cause death.

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