Why Patek Philippe Calatrava Cross cross as a symbol

Patek Philippe Calatrava Cross For advanced watches that require time precision and sophisticated craftsmanship, in addition to a ringing name need a logo to symbolize the extraordinary and quality of the brand spirit, then why do you know Patek Philippe Calatrava Cross cross symbol as a spiritual representative? ? Orden de Calatrava Knights Calatrava is actually a proper noun, originated from the Order of the Orden de Calatrava of the Crusades during the Middle Ages. The establishment of the Cixi Church of Calithia, a kingdom of Spain in the 12th century, was named for its base castle in Calatrava and Recognized by the Roman Catholic Alexander III on September 26, 1164, it was the earliest battle knight for the Spanish army. As early as 1185, Calatrava, Spain, was invaded by the Moors and later relied on Rev. Raymond and Cavalier Di Guebellas to lead the people in their courageous fight against Japan, eventually driving away Moore's aggression. From this we can see that Calatrava represents not only religion but also symbol of fighting, which is in line with the philosophy of Patek Philippe's founders, Anthony Benda and Adrian Philae, so they decided to begin in 1875 The solemn and brave combination of the priest's cross and the knight's sword symbolizes the spiritual heritage, with Fleur de Lis as the symbol of the cross of Patek Philippe Calatrava Cross at the cross-shaped end of the cross. This article is reproduced, does not represent the world position of million table.