2011 home feng shui transport tips can change home transport

Decoration homes, companies or a lot of friends ignored the basic decoration of Feng Shui common sense, contrary to a lot of feng shui requirements, resulting in occupancy or business for many years, the difficulty is difficult to improve repeatedly. The feng shui of home decoration is mainly the three major areas of door, house and stove. There is no home decoration feng shui that is not in place according to the numerology of the owner and the owner of the house. The result must be that it is difficult to improve the homework repeatedly.

Therefore, the correct home improvement is equally important after the correct home location is determined. How can I properly decorate it? In addition to the modern decoration design, more important is the feng shui layout.

First, the door Feng Shui

The feng shui of a house depends largely on the orientation and orientation of the gate, because it is the total entrance and exit of the whole family. It is the main passage for the whole family to connect with the external space, such as the throat of the person. The first barrier to avoiding the murder. The feng shui of the gate directly affects the career of the whole family, academics, wealth and so on. With the development of society, people's awareness of feng shui is becoming weaker and weaker. Especially nowadays, the door of modern home is that the developers are fixed according to the practical functions. Generally, they cannot change it according to the ancient law or their own will, obviously only The feng shui can be blended in the spirit of the natural way, and the feng shui view in the decoration design will be used to achieve the goal of avoiding the evil.

The introduction of Feng Shui advocates should be seen in three: 1. When you see the door open, you can see the red screen, totem or wall according to the opening of the door. Because in China, red represents joy, so it gives people a kind of joy, gentleness. Like the feeling of spring. 2, open the door to see green, means that you can see the safflower green leaves as soon as you enter the gate. Science has proved that the green vision is the biggest, and it can make the whole space full of vitality, so it can give people a feeling of full of vitality, instantly relieve the emotions and relieve the pressure; 3, open the door to see "Fu", It means that when you enter the house, you can see the elegant word of "Fu". If you open the door, you don't mean the specific "Fu" word. A beautiful picture of white clouds, blue sky, creek, flowing water or crafts can also be used. Mainly to play the role of reflecting the cultural taste of the owner and adjusting the tension and tired mood. There is also an entry to avoid five see, one avoids opening the door to see the stove, in terms of Feng Shui, open the door to see the stove, called the fire to burn the Tianmen, "Yangzhai refers to the" said: "open the door to see the stove, the money is more expensive", the fire is hot, so the money can not enter. Two bogey to open the door to see the toilet, because the toilet is a dirty place, suffocating people, it is not good for family health. The reason is very simple. If people live in a suffocating environment, they will definitely increase their chances of suffering from diseases. Three bogey open the door to see the mirror, because the mirror has the function of collecting light, reducing phlegm and avoiding evil spirits. If you reflect your auspicious gas for a long time, it will lead to evil spirits, which is unfavorable for careers, fortune, and academics. Four bogey beams press the door, meaning that when you enter the house, you can see the beam pressing, then the main family can not get out of the head, look at the human eye in life, open the door to see the beam, noisy will bring a repressed mood, if people are depressed, decay The air is often disturbed, but it is negative, not enterprising, and it hurts the hands and feet, and even has a suicidal tendency. Five bogey into the ghost door means to make the door an arch, like a tombstone, similar to a Yin house, will bring misfortune to the family, the design of a house door, the luck of the family, the so-called cold door, the door, are in This is obvious.

Second, the aisle stairs Feng Shui (refers to duplex or villa Feng Shui)

The aisles and stairs are the places where the family walks, and they also carry the atmosphere of the whole family. Everything that is dynamic in Feng Shui has a lot to do with wealth. (1) The design of the aisle should not be too long. More than 2/3 of the length of the whole house will produce yin magnetic. If the position is not good, it will often be haunted. The elderly and children are sick and the owner is not good. (2) The color tone of the corridor is simple and bright, and there should be no beams on the top. This will cause family rheumatism or headache. (3) It is not advisable to hang chandeliers, sharp corners and prismatic designs above the corridor. It is even more inappropriate to use colorful lights. This will cause emotional distress in the family and severe heart damage. (4) It is not advisable to design an artistic trap in the aisle. This will cause the family to be frightened and frightened.

The stairs and the gates are in the same table. It is also a dynamic gas field. The gas field in the room space is not distributed. It should not be placed on the central axis of the room. Try to set it in the direction of the Wang, according to the operating law of the spiral gas field of the universe. Consistent (that is, clockwise), it is not advisable to get in the ladder and have the meaning of retreat. The stairs should not be used to hedge the door. In severe cases, people will suffer from blood, hands and feet, and the design cannot be trapped.

Third, home porch

Home porch refers to the first barrier in the first space after entering the gate. Its importance is second only to the gate, because the porch has the effect of beautifying the vision to ease the internal and external gas fields, blocking the stagnation and gathering gas. Such as the mouthpiece of people, has always been valued by Feng Shui. When setting the entrance, pay attention to the narrowness. It is not advisable to set up reflective lenses. It is not suitable to have beams, seven-hole and eight-hole antique frames, swords and swords, sharp-pointed prisms, and claws and claws. The lines should be clear and concise. If you need to set up a shoe cabinet, you can't be too high. It should be as large as 6-80 centimeters. If you need to hang ornaments when setting up the entrance movement, you should pay attention to the following points: 1. If the porch is set in the north, you can't use the horse's pattern. Because the horse is in the south, the water in the north is feng shui, and the water and fire are not compatible. It is also called water and fire, which causes disasters for the family. If the porch is located in the northeast, the pattern of the sheep cannot be used. The feng shui will attract innocent disasters. When the porch is located in the southwest, it is not appropriate to use the tiger's patterns and ornaments. "Feng Shui Dacheng" said: "The tiger and the monkeys are crossed, the soldiers are seen in the blood"; the porch can't use the rabbit's pattern in the West, "Feng Shui Dacheng" says "Chengchi Re-construction of the house to change the groom night and night; porch can not use the dragon's pattern in the northwest; "Yangzhai Dacheng" said that "long dog cross, Ren Xiaolong also lame." In short, the porch feng shui, hi-revolution, avoiding straight-forward, in this way, can really play the role of porch phlegm, gas gathering, Yingxiang Jifu. In addition, the house is too small, it is not appropriate to set up a porch, so that the space is more narrow, giving people a sense of oppression. When choosing mascot objects, avoid being too old-fashioned with your own life, such as the Year of the Rat, the Maternal Jewelry, the Year of the Ox, the Jewelry, the Year of the Tiger, the Jewelry, the Year of the Rabbit, the Jewelry, and the Year of the Dragon. Jewelry, the Year of the Snake, the pigs, the pigs, the horses, the hunters, the sheep, the cows, the cows, the monkeys, the tigers, the chickens, the chickens, the rabbits, the rabbits, the dragons, the pigs .

Fourth, the living room feng shui

The living room is the connection point between the whole room and the living room. It is the activity center of the home life, and the place to welcome guests. It is also the core place of the whole room. It can best reflect the spirit and luck of the owner. The ancients once said: Why are you big and there are not many flowers. Because of its large functional space and high frequency of use, the design and design of Feng Shui has always been valued by Feng Shui and decorative designers.

The living room is the center of the home, the location should be located in front of the house, not in the back of the room, compared to other functional areas, the lighting of the living room must be better. Feng Shui requirements, dark hall of the light hall, to avoid the corridor horizontal or straight through the center of the living room, not only to take into account the guests to visit, but also to take into account the privacy of family life, and strive to look around, it is not easy to be noticed. In the selection of the color, it should be selected according to the owner's four columns and five rows. The approximate main color can be matched according to the sitting direction. Fengshui is a four-dimensional room in the Middle, South, West, and North. The northeast, southeast, northwest, and southwest are four-dimensional rooms. You can adjust the color for your home. The eastward living room should use beige as the main color, because the five elements of the east belong to the wood, and the earth is the wood of wealth, and the yellow is the representative color of the earth, so the yellow can help the owner to make a fortune. The south-facing living room is dominated by white, the south is away from the fire, and the Essence theory is gold. The representative color of gold is white, so white can reduce the flame of fire and bring wealth to the home. The west-facing living room is mainly composed of green and blue, or added to pale blue, or with more lush trees, or with wooden furniture, because wood is the gold, and green is the representative color of the wood. Strong plant seeding can make up for this shortcoming, and it can also help the owner's wealth, official transportation and academics. The northward living room is dominated by reddish reddish red, the northern five elements are water, the southern fire is water wealth, and the red is the representative color of the fire. The north facing the living room is red, which can achieve the benefits of water and fire, the wealth of the masters and Heterosexuality.

The other four-dimensional color configurations are:

In the southeast to the living room, yellow should be used, the living room should be blue in the southwest, the green color should be used in the living room in the northwest, and the reddish blue should be used in the living room in the northeast.

Fifth, the master room Feng Shui

The quality of the master room feng shui directly affects the owner's fortune, career, future and family. According to the Yangzhai three records, the main bedroom of the main stove is very important, second only to the gate, his position, lighting, ventilation, color The decorations, lighting, and flowers seem to be very particular, because the owner spends 1/3 of the time in the bedroom, including the skin of the husband and wife. In the home of the family, the bedroom is also the only exclusive place. Under normal circumstances, the main bedroom in the southeast and northwest is suitable, the main power of the northwest, mature, steady, sense of responsibility, southeast main fame, culture, upward, in which the master bedroom is vulnerable to the leadership, in the work with Life is easy to be respected by others. The use of color tone is combined with the life of the main couple as much as possible. It is simple, bright and gentle. It can be roughly divided by orientation. The east and southeast orientations should be green, blue and black. Purple, yellow, black, the western position can be reddish, beige, white, the north is available in red, yellow, beige, northwest available gray, red, yellow, northeast available yellow, orange, brown, southwest

The position of the bed should pay attention to the following points: 1. The bed should not be close to the window, which makes people feel unreliable and seriously affects the quality of sleep. 2, the top of the bed should not hang objects, including couple photos, or crafts, people feel a sense of crisis, heavy people are susceptible to migraine. 3, the bed should not rely on the toilet, the shower room makes people susceptible to gynecological diseases. 4, the bed should not be placed in front of the comb mirror, reflective glass can diffuse gas, long-term exposure, easy to get scared or mental snoring, severe heart failure. 5, the bed should not be placed on the door or next to the door, living in such a place is difficult to gather wealth, it is difficult to ensure privacy and due security. 6, the top of the bed should not hang chandeliers and horizontal and vertical beam tops, these are easy to bring unfortunate to the owner. 7, in the master bedroom, avoid the use of Buddha statues and knives, guns, swords and other weapons, will bring dangerous danger to the owner.

Six, kitchen Feng Shui:

The feng shui of the kitchen pointed out in the Sanzang of Yangzhai that the stove is the source of life, and all the diseases are caused by diet. The stove is the source of wealth, and all the money is made by the stove. It can be seen that the feng shui of the stove is second only to the door, the master bedroom, the feng shui of the kitchen stove directly affects the wealth and health of the whole family. In the geographical authenticity, the stove should be safe, prolonged, and Tianji Sanjifang. Because of the family's family's wealth, phlox and health, it is especially cautious in the choice. The specific operation needs to be combined with the life of the female and male masters to choose to be able to go to the Kyrgyzstan. The choice of position can be roughly east or southeast. Because the oriental genus is wood, the southeast is also wood. The wood consumes water and fires. It is especially suitable for use as a kitchen stove. The south is a fire, the stove is a fire, and the fire is fired and burnt. It is prone to esophagus and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Disease, the kitchen stove Feng Shui should be known in the kitchen Feng Shui design. One avoids the kitchen stove to the door, the second avoids the kitchen stove to the toilet, the third avoids the kitchen and the toilet door; Five bogey aisle to the fire door. Six bogey stove door to the sink. Seven bogey beams pressed down. Eight after the stove is the window. Nine bogey water to the eye. Ten bogey room below the toilet. People eat food for the sky, food color is the instinct of people, when the kitchen is chosen, the kitchen is set in the north, for the sake of water and fire, and it is located in the northeast for the fire and earth, giving birth to the main consumption, and mixed. The kitchen is located in the northwest for the burning of the gate, which is not good for parents. Located in the West for the sale of fire thieves, susceptible to heart and lung disease. Located in the southwest for the release. It is unfavorable to the mother and the mother. The kitchen is the place with the most water. The water is the main source of the water. The water in the Feng Shui school is the money. The position of the water outlet is as far as possible in the lower right corner. The owner of the color is free to choose, but avoid using black.

The kitchen should not be completely enclosed in the house.

At least one side of the kitchen should be facing the open space (such as a balcony, patio, backyard, etc.), should not be closed, or in the middle of the house. This kind of situation is often caused by the fact that after the house is built, the kitchen is built behind the house. After the cover is added, it becomes the middle section of the house, which not only hinders hygiene, but also affects the family.

Kitchen cannot be located between bedrooms

The kitchen must not be placed between the two bedrooms. It is not good for people in the bedroom on either side of the house.

Avoid washing clothes in the kitchen

Some people put the washing machine in the kitchen. This is not good, because the ancients regarded the kitchen as the place where the stove is located. It is very sacred, cleaning the unclean clothes and affecting luck.

The fire in the home makes the homeland fall

The kitchen can't be covered in front of the house, and the fire is not allowed to go out, otherwise the house will fall.

Dear friends, the points mentioned above are mainly in accordance with the Five Elements of the Book of Changes and the various decorative designs, ornaments, orientations, and other interior settings and shapes in Feng Shui. The influence on people's psychological and physical health is also the most basic theory in wind science. Feng Shui is profound and profound and cannot be fully elaborated in a short time. In general, the feng shui design in the living room is mainly to create a comfortable and peaceful indoor environment. When people return home, there is a feeling that all the troubles and pressures are released. Therefore, Feng Shui is a self-contained discipline that integrates environmental science, aesthetics, and natural sciences in China. Feng Shui can not be ignored! The traditional culture that has been passed down for thousands of years in our country cannot be abandoned!

Here, Master Liu Luorong reminds all female owners that they say "women are half the sky", but nowadays more successful men are women who are at home to teach their children, and to help the young and the young, instead of riding a career like a man. , traveled in the business sea. Therefore, as the same fate of the same role, have you ever thought about whether you can better play the advantage of "Wangfu"? Let a successful husband, a successful husband, be more successful and more successful? Please start by changing the ambient feng shui around you. As a hostess, it is very important in the positioning of the environment. If the hostess’s home feng shui is wrong or unreasonable, it is not the position, the husband of the family’s main beam is fortune. It is also difficult and unpredictable. Only the male and female owners' home feng shui supporting facilities are reasonable and coordinated, and there is a possibility that there will be a harmonious and stable situation between the male and female lords, and the prosperity will be great! Therefore, please pay more attention to the feng shui around you, the feng shui of the home, God will always care for those who have the heart and integrity.

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