Construction of ideal classroom based on information technology environment

Fan Jun
Banqiao Middle School, Linze County, Gansu Province Zhangye, Gansu 734207

With the development of information technology, information technology has approached our mathematics classroom. The use of information technology to assist teaching has changed the traditional teaching methods and learning methods, optimized the curriculum structure, and built a good platform for constructing an ideal classroom.

1. Using information technology to build a harmonious classroom

The ideal classroom should be a harmonious classroom. While striving for a harmonious society, the classroom as the main teaching position should also be filled with harmony. In a successful math class, students' interest in learning must be very high. Appropriate use of information technology teaching is more expressive and contagious than traditional teaching methods. It enables students to quickly and efficiently acquire knowledge, develop thinking, and form abilities.

Constructing a harmonious classroom requires teachers to completely change teaching methods, create a classroom atmosphere full of vigor and vitality, and make students happy to learn. This requires cultivating students 'interest in learning, arousing students' enthusiasm for learning new knowledge, narrowing the distance between students and new knowledge, and shortening the distance between students and teachers. When the distance is reduced, teachers and students will be harmonious and classrooms will be harmonious, and learning efficiency will naturally increase.

In the information technology environment, due to the specificity of the multimedia image, the combination of dynamic and static, and the presence of sound and color, it can be properly applied to become abstract and concrete, mobilizing the coordination of various senses of the students, and the content that is difficult to express clearly, vividly and vividly In front of students, a pleasant and harmonious classroom atmosphere is created, so that students no longer feel bored with boring formulas, and boring graphics are no longer so annoying. When learning to use binary linear equations to solve applied problems, the author used multimedia to show several pictures of NBA basketball games, and played a video of a wonderful goal. This is a topic that many students are more interested in. The student's enthusiasm started, and then he presented such a question. Yi Jianlian scored a career high of 29 points, of which 12 points were scored in 2 points and 3 points. You can calculate his 2 points and 3 points. How many hits? The students were very enthusiastic and eager to try. Even the students who didn't usually like to learn also picked up the pen and calculated the answer accurately. Therefore, the author could smoothly lead out how to list the binary linear equation to solve the application problem.

2. Using information technology to build a cooperative classroom

Constructing a kind of cooperative learning with practical significance in the mathematics classroom is an effective way to improve the teaching quality. With the continuous advancement of new courses, cooperative learning has gradually been recognized and welcomed by teachers and students. Under information technology, how to build a cooperative classroom has become a new problem facing education in the new era.

1. The use of information technology can collect cooperative learning materials

Under the information technology environment, it becomes more convenient and faster to collect and process data. We can collect data through a computer network, use computer software to make statistical tables, draw various statistical graphs, and conduct probability experiments. For example, when teaching the course "Estimating Probability", frequency is used to estimate probability. Only through hands-on practice and cooperative learning can students experience the process of scientific statistics, and this method of acquiring knowledge is used for life. If you do the experiment, you can't get the result of the experiment if you don't reach a certain number of times. Doing it will inevitably waste time. Failure to do so will not allow students to recognize the results. Therefore, the author adopts the following processing methods. (1) Divide the class into 10 groups, each group doing 50 experiments. (2) The teacher uses the computer to make a form, and the team representative will report the experiment, enter the form, and set it to the cell format so that it can automatically calculate the frequency. (3) Accumulate the data of each group to obtain the experimental data of 100 times, 200 times to 500 times, and calculate the corresponding frequency. (4) Use the data computer to automatically draw a broken line statistical graph. In this way, we can clearly see the trend of frequency, so as to estimate the probability of the event.

2. The use of information technology can show the results of cooperative learning

The use of information technology has become a resource for mathematics classrooms and a platform for cooperative learning, giving full play to the advantages of information technology, and providing students with a rich and colorful educational environment and beneficial learning tools for learning and development. For example, the use of information technology to display the results of group cooperative learning in a timely manner and the work of group members can be facilitated to facilitate the sublimation of cooperation between groups; or the use of Internet technology for more extensive communication and cooperation expansion; etc .; Forms such as exchanges to effectively promote the comprehensive development of cooperative learning.

3. Use information technology to scientifically evaluate cooperative learning

The evaluation of cooperative learning should pay attention to the combination of the evaluation of the learning process and the evaluation of the learning results. Take "not everyone's success, but everyone's progress" as the ultimate goal and standard of teaching evaluation. The focus of the evaluation should be on the students ’understanding of the inquiry process and methods shown in the collaborative inquiry process. Use the computer to establish an archive for each student, and give a reasonable evaluation of the different division of labor in the cooperative inquiry process of different students, including participation, coordination, organization, and ability to complete tasks. The results of the evaluation are fed back to the students in a timely manner, so as to promote the continuous development and improvement of the students' cooperative learning level with others.

3. Construct practical classrooms with the help of information technology

The ideal classroom should be a practical classroom. Mathematics knowledge comes from life, and life itself is a huge math class. If we talk about mathematics out of the reality of life, mathematics often feels boring and abstract. However, the knowledge that students learn in school is generally the indirect experience accumulated by predecessors in practice for a long time. It is no longer perceptual. In the teaching process, the contradiction between direct and indirect experience, actual and theory is resolved. , The use of information technology is an effective means. The use of information technology in teaching enables students to acquire extremely rich and vivid sensibility knowledge.

1. Use information technology to create a life class

Real mathematics is rich and colorful, not a complicated number game. It has a real life background. The mathematics from life is "live" mathematics and meaningful mathematics. Therefore, teachers should allow students to "find" mathematics in life, and really feel that "there is mathematics everywhere in life." In this way, students can learn mathematics immersively so that students will not feel strange. How to connect the classroom of mathematics with the reality of life? With the support of information technology in the teaching, many "impossible" can be turned into reality, so that the classroom can reveal a strong sense of life. For example, when teaching the nature of the vertical bisector of a line segment, in order to allow students to have a deeper understanding of "the distance between the point on the line of the vertical bisector line and the point on both ends of the line segment is equal" Different points on the bridge column lead to two steel ropes on both sides. From the symmetry we can see that they are equal. Combined with the dynamic demonstration of multimedia, this law is revealed more vividly. It is easier for students to understand and has a deeper impression.

2. Use information technology to create hands-on classrooms

"Every true knowledge comes from practice" "What you hear is easy to forget, what you see is not easy to remember, and you can only learn it if you do it", for example, the example 3 of the lesson "Application of Unary Quadratic Equation" has a 40cm long , A rectangular piece of paper with a width of 25cm, after cutting off 4 small squares at the corners, fold it into a carton without a lid. If the volume of the carton is 450cm2, what is the height of the carton? Most students are very distressed about the application problem. This problem is the transformation from flat graphics to three-dimensional graphics, which makes many students confused. In the teaching, the author first asked each student to prepare a rectangular white paper, cut 4 squares at the corners according to the requirements, and fold it into an uncovered carton. Compare these two graphics and use the dynamics of multimedia The effect shows the generation process from flat graphics to three-dimensional graphics. It is easy for students to find out that the height of the carton is the side length of the small square cut, and set the height to x, so that the bottom length of the carton can be expressed by an algebraic expression about x And wide, it is easy to list the equations.

4. With the help of information technology, construct an open classroom

The ideal classroom should be an open classroom. "Mathematics Curriculum Standards" pointed out: "Learning and teaching methods must be open and diverse, openness is an important principle of classroom teaching evaluation." With the help of information technology, constructing an open classroom has become a significant feature of the new curriculum education.

1. Use information technology to make the classroom a learning paradise

Classroom is where students explore and acquire knowledge. The ideal classroom should be happy, not stiff, nor lifeless like a pool of water. Students can realize the collision of knowledge and thinking only in happy situations. The use of information technology can create a relaxed, free and open classroom atmosphere, allowing students to play in middle school and do middle school. For example, in the process of students 'group cooperation and exchange learning, the use of multimedia to play light music, along with the learning of wonderful music, will enlighten students' wisdom and sublimate their emotions.

2. Use information technology to realize students' independent learning

The traditional teaching mode ignores the student's dominant position and suppresses the creativity of the students. Students can turn knowledge into their own internal knowledge only through personal exploration and discovery. The use of information technology teaching methods can achieve open teaching, allowing students to be immersive, independent learning, bold innovation, to be the master of learning, reflect the sense of ownership, and help to cultivate students' application ability. Such as using online teaching to guide students to learn knowledge online, do homework online, communicate with teachers online, and cooperate with classmates online to achieve teacher-student interaction and student-student interaction. For example, when teaching "Exploring the Condition of Triangle Congruency", the teacher makes operable courseware. The students draw triangles on the computer according to known conditions. . When they reached congruent conclusions by themselves, they naturally felt the surprise of mathematics, showed great creative enthusiasm, and laid a solid foundation for learning mathematics better.

3. Use Information Technology to Bring Open Questions to Math Class

Open questions are endlessly changeable, lively, flexible, and diverse, and are the most valuable mathematical problems in cultivating students' sense of innovation and creativity. Due to the time-consuming teaching of open mathematics in teaching, the classroom teaching is restricted by the teaching time, but information technology has provided us with strong support. For example: Use a plane to cut a cube. If the cut geometry has 4 faces, please answer the following questions: (1) What shape must the section be? (2) How many vertices might the remaining geometry have? If the teacher dictates, it is difficult to clarify the problem, and the students' understanding of the problem can only stay on the surface, but it is easy to draw with the help of multimedia display.

The construction of an ideal classroom is not a short-term behavior, but a long-term goal. The effective integration of information technology and teaching provides us with strong support for constructing ideal classrooms, but information technology is only used as a teaching aid and cannot replace the leading role of teachers. To this end, we also need to work hard in practice, continue to explore, and explore new ideas for the construction of an ideal classroom.


[1] Wu Xiaofeng. How to teach the new curriculum-teaching art and practice [M]. Liaoning: Shenyang Publishing House, 2004
[2] Ji Suyue. 101 suggestions for math teachers [M]. Jiangsu: Nanjing Normal University Press, 2005

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