Four ways to identify natural leather trolley case

【China Trolley Trading Network Trolley box transactions and trade information exchange to provide an excellent platform to improve the level of commodity exchange, standardize the behavior of commodity trading, to achieve ultra-large-scale network operators. 】 Leather is mainly natural leather, leather, leather regeneration, is the most commonly used trolley material market. They use different raw materials, have different processing technology. First, feel identification method 1, natural leather leather feel flexible, the leather will be folded down 90 degrees face will appear natural folds, respectively, bending different parts of the thickness of the folds have obvious uneven, the basic can be identified as Dermis, because the dermis has a natural fibrous tissue structure. 2, artificial leather, synthetic leather man-made ground, synthetic leather feel like plastic, poor recovery, bending down to the thickness of the fold, how many are similar. Second, the visual identification method from the leather pattern, pores and other aspects to distinguish. 1, natural leather patterns can be seen on the surface of natural leather, pores, and evenly distributed, the profile of the side section is obvious, the lower layer of animal tissue fibers, scratch with finger nails will appear leather fibers erect, fluffy feeling, a small amount The fibers can also fall. 2, regeneration of leather Although there are animal regeneration of leather leather, but they are made of short fiber from suppression, the surface naturally without natural patterns and pores. 3, artificial leather can see the opposite side of the fabric, no animal fibers on the side, the surface no pores, but some artificial leather faux pores, there will be obvious pores exist, the pattern is not obvious, or have more regular artificial patterns, pores Also very consistent (very regular distribution). Third, the smell identification method In the natural state, smell the smell of leather. 1, natural leather Natural leather has a very thick fur taste, even after the filming, the taste is more obvious. 2, artificial leather, synthetic leather, leather, synthetic leather products, there are shares of plastic taste, no fur taste. Take a small sample with a fire, the main smell of smell smell and look at ashes. 1, natural leather burning natural leather will issue a burnt smell of hair, burned a friable powder. 2, artificial leather, synthetic leather, leather regeneration Leather, synthetic leather, leather regeneration, combustion flame more prosperous, rapidly shrinking, and the shares are unpleasant plastic taste, after burning sticky, will become stiff after cooling into a lump . Fourth, freezing, heating test method 1, natural leather Natural leather generally does not change with the ambient temperature changes occur to feel hard and soft. 2, artificial leather, synthetic leather, leather, synthetic leather in the freezing temperature of the refrigerator feel hard, under the light baking it appears to share soft. To know more trolley information, please pay attention to the Chinese trolley transaction network Posted by: zpengdmjy