Color expertise

CIE LAB Color Space (CIE LAB Color Space)

The CMC tolerance method uses an ellipse as the range of visual chromatic aberration, and the result is closer to the human eye. Therefore, many industries believe that the CMC representation of chromatic aberration is more accurate than the CIELAB representation.

CMC (Color Measurement Committee)

CMC is the British Dyestuff and Pigmenters Association, which proposes the ellipse â–³ E formula in the CIELAB color space.

Color Space

Three-dimensional geometric figures describing colors.

Color Temperature

When the object is heated, the color light emitted is measured. The color temperature is usually expressed in absolute temperature or Kelvin degrees. Low color temperature such as red is 2400 ° K, high color temperature such as blue is 9300 ° K, and neutral color temperature such as gray is 6500 ° K.


Optical measuring instruments that simulate the response of the human eye to red, green, and blue light.


A CIE standard illuminator with a color temperature of 5000 ° K. In the printing industry, this color temperature is more widely used to make observation light boxes.

Electromagnetic Spectrum

Electromagnetic wave radiation bands propagating in the air at different sizes are expressed in wavelengths. Different wavelengths have different properties, and many wave bands are invisible to the human eye. Only electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength between 380 nm and 720 nm is a visible light wave that the human eye can see. It is invisible beyond visible light waves, such as T-rays, X-rays, microwaves, and infinite radio waves.

Fluorescent Lamp

A lamp tube filled with mercury gas in a glass bulb and coated with a fluorescent substance on the inner wall. When the gas is excited by an electric current, the generated radiation is converted into fluorescent energy causing the fluorescent light to emit light.

Hue (hue)

The basic colors of objects, such as red, green, purple, etc., can be determined by the angular position of the cylindrical color space or the position on the color wheel.


The degree of color.

Illuminant (illumination body)

The spectral distribution is used to illustrate the energy distribution of the light source.

llluminant A (A light source)

The CIE standard light source represented by an incandescent lamp has a yellow-orange color and the associated color temperature is 2856 ° K.

llluminant C (C light source)

Tungsten filament lamps simulating average daylight are the standard light sources represented, such as blue, and the associated color temperature is 6774 ° K.

llluminant F (F light source)

CIE standard light sources represented by fluorescent lamps; F2 stands for cool white fluorescent lamps (4200 ° K); F7 stands for broadband fluorescent fluorescent lamps (6500 ° K); F11 stands for narrow-band white fluorescent lamps (4200 ° K). [next]

L * C * H

Similar to CIELAB's color space, in addition to using standard coordinates to represent the brightness, color, and hue angle of colors, rectangular coordinates can also be used instead.

Metamerism (Metamerism)

When a pair of colors is under a certain light source, the colors presented are the same, but under another light source, the colors presented are different. This phenomenon is "same color heterogeneity".


The hiding power index can reflect the coating ability of the coating ink to the substrate. If the hiding power is higher, it means that the paint or ink is not easy to change due to the color of the substrate during application.

Reflectance curve / Spectral curve

A graph depicting the reflectance of objects to light of different wavelengths.


Describe the percentage of light reflected from the surface of an object. A spectrophotometer can be used to measure the reflectance of the object at different intervals along the visible spectrum. If the visible spectrum is the abscissa and the reflectance is the ordinate, the spectral curve of the object color can be drawn. .

Spectrophotometer (Spectrophotometer)

A measuring instrument that measures the reflection or transmission characteristics of light waves passing through an object, and expresses the measurement results as spectral data.

Specular Excluded (SCE, SPEX, Ex) (excluding specular reflection)

When an object is measured with an integrating sphere spectrophotometer, the specular reflection of the object will not be measured. Therefore, when the measurement excludes specular reflection data, the instrument will consider the effect of the surface texture of the object on the color.

Specular lncluded (SCI, SPIN, In) (including specular reflection)

When measuring an object with an integrating sphere instrument, the specular reflection of the object will be measured together. Therefore, when the measurement contains specular reflection data, the instrument will only measure the data of the object's pigment to color, regardless of the surface texture.


Strength is the calculation of the batch difference between pigments and pigments.


Acceptable difference between standard and sample measurements. (See Delta error)


Whiteness is the degree to which the color is white, and it is widely used by the printing and textile industries.


Yellowness refers to the deviation of color from standard white and is widely used by the plastics industry.

llluminant D (D light source)

The CIE standard light source represented by fluorescent lamps is based on the actual measured spectrum of sunlight, and the color temperature associated with it is 6504 ° K. D50, D65, and D75 are the most commonly used color temperatures.

The fumigation-free wooden box can be processed to any size and size according to customer needs. The raw material of the fumigation-free wooden box is composite board or plywood. The board is molded by various high-temperature autoclaving after various types of wooden materials. The insects and eggs are not hidden in the finished product, and the risk of introducing harmful organisms is very high. Small, will not cause harm to agriculture and forest resources. The fumigation-free wooden box is lighter and more beautiful, and can be spray printed. The fumigant-free wooden box is made of high-strength galvanized steel strips for excellent load-bearing, compression-resistant performance and durability. Advantages of fumigation-free wooden box: durable and durable; disadvantages: easy to corrode and high price.

Fumigation wooden box

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