Separation and preparation of theaflavins

Theaflavin is a kind of polyphenolic hydroxy-chrysophenone-based substance. It is a kind of golden pigment in black tea. It has the unique function of lowering blood fat. Combined with reducing the absorption of cholesterol in food, it can also inhibit the body's own cholesterol synthesis, known as "soft gold" in tea. In addition, there are three other compounds with similar structures: theaflavin-3-gallate (TF-3-G) and theaflavin-3-gallate (TF-3) -G) and theaflavin-3,3-bis gallate (TFBG). First, the medium and low pressure preparation is used to roughly divide the original sample to obtain a product with four theaflavin compounds content exceeding 90%. Then the crude product was separated and prepared a second time to further obtain four compound monomers.

Solid tungsten steel for drill milling cutter

Solid tungsten steel for drill milling cutter

Chengdu Lianxiang New Material Co., Ltd ,