Shockproof packaging technology (below)

2. Automobile transportation Vehicle transportation is far more complicated than rail transportation because models, loading capacity, driving speed, road surface conditions and so on all have a great impact on vibration and impact, especially on the road surface. The fixed condition of the packaged goods in the carriage is different, and the impact is also different. If there is no fixed prison, it will produce jumping vibration after being bumped. The G value can reach 1, equivalent to the impact when falling freely from a height of 5 to 30 cm. On particularly uneven roads, an impact of 3 to 5 G will occur. If the road is uneven and the goods are not tied, even an impact of 5 to 20 G can occur.
Table 8-2 shows the vibration acceleration values ​​when a 6t truck is used to drive a concrete on a good road and a bad gravel road, and an 8t truck is running on a concrete pavement.
Table 8-2 Vibration acceleration of the car
Driving condition Acceleration coefficient G value Up/down direction Left/right direction Front/rear direction Normal road (20 to 40 km/h) Good road 0.4 to 0.7 0.1 to 0.20.1 to 0.2 Road defect 1.3 to 2.4 0.4 to 1.0 0.5 to 1.5 Vehicle speed 35 (km/ h) braking 0.2 to 0.7 to 0.6 to 0.7 paved road (10 to 50 km/h) full load 0.6 to 1.0 0.2 to 0.5 0.1 to 0.4 no-load 1.0 to 1.6 0.6 to 1.4 0.3 to 0.9 Obstacle over 2 cm 1.6 to 2.51.0 ~2.4 1.1~2.2 When the speed is 50~60km/h, the brake is 0.20.3 0.1~0.8

3, ship transport ship vibration is mainly caused by the wave of water. The vibrations of ships mainly include pitch and roll. The former is up and down, and the latter is left and right. In addition to the influence of the vibration of the ship itself, the vibration of the cargo carried on board the ship is also affected by the position of the ship, the size of the ship, and the position of the power plant. Generally, the maximum bow up and down vibration, G value below 0.3, in the offshore up to 2. 1000t class marine cargo ship, the up and down vibration G up to 0.2 ~ 0.8, the right and left vibration G up to 0.2, before and after the vibration is less than 0.1.
4, aircraft transport aircraft generally only produce vibration in flight, the size of the vibration is mainly affected by aircraft types, air flow. General flight vibration G is in the range of 0.05 to 0.6, and in severe air conditions, it can be in the range of 1 to 2. Vibration frequency range is very wide, between 5 ~ 120Hz.
IV. Falling height of packages During the loading and unloading operations, packages are most vulnerable to external forces and cause impact losses. However, the impacts caused by mechanical loading and unloading operations and manual loading and unloading operations are very different.
During mechanical loading and unloading operations, if a forklift is used to perform rough operations, an acceleration acceleration of G=1 can be generated. When moving objects on a conveyor belt, the G value is generally less than one, and the end point of the transportation and the relay point G may reach several tens or more. When cranes and cranes are used for loading and unloading, when packages are vertically dropped and traversed and collided with other objects, G will be greater than tens or even hundreds of impact forces.
During manual loading and unloading, impacts are different for different weights, sizes, shapes, and operating environments of packages. How do you package different products? Generally, the height of the easiest fall is the most important. In other words, after shock-proof packaging, it must be ensured that it does not damage the contents when dropped in the most easily falling height range.
The most easily falling height of the package is obtained through experience. The height h of the package most likely to fall and the weight of the package W have the following relationship:

For example, the weight of the package is 60kg, and the height h that is most likely to drop during loading and unloading is:

The most easily falling height of the general package can refer to Table 8-3.
Table 8-3 Easiest falling heights of general packages

Weight (kg) Loading and unloading method Drop height (m) 0 to 9.1
9.2 to 22.8
22.9 to 114
> 455 Throw General Handling Two Person General Handling General Mechanical Handling General Mechanical Handling Large Machinery Handling 1.08

From the above table, it can be seen that the heavier the package is, the lower the easiest drop height is and the more stable it is. However, shockproof packaging cannot be ignored because of the lightness of the product.
The falling height of shock-proof packagings subjected to falling impact tests is stipulated by various countries. Table 8-4 shows the standards set by the Ministry of Electronics Industry of China. Table 8-5 is the Japanese standard.
Table 8-4 Standards of China's Ministry of Electronics Industry

Weight of test equipment with packaging (kg) Drop height (cm) <10
10 to 25
26 to 50
76 to 10080

Table 8-5 Japanese Standards

Total package weight (kg) Maximum package size (cm) Drop height (cm) Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition 3<25 90 90704025 to 5090 to 12060503050 to 75120 to 150504020

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A teapot is a vessel used for steeping tea leaves or an herbal mix in boiling or near-boiling water, and for serving the resulting infusion which is called tea. Dry tea is available either in tea bags or as loose tea, in which case a tea infuser or tea strainer may be of some assistance, either to hold the leaves as they steep or to catch the leaves inside the teapot when the tea is poured. Teapots usually have an opening with a lid at their top, where the dry tea and hot water are added, a handle for holding by hand and a spout through which the tea is served. Some teapots have a strainer built-in on the inner edge of the spout. A small air hole in the lid is often created to stop the spout from dripping and splashing when tea is poured. In modern times, a thermal cover called a tea cosy may be used to enhance the steeping process or to prevent the contents of the teapot from cooling too rapidly.

Cast Iron Teapot

Enamel Cast Iron Teapot,Ceramic Cast Iron Teapot,Iron Tea Kettle,Cast Iron Teapot